Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Fear it

I'm going to go that one step further into the delusional, staggeringly self-obsessive room of blog and talk about a dream I had last night. Skip this if you can't help imagining yourself karate-chopping yourself into unconsciousness everytime someone starts talking about the AMAZING dream they had, but pretty much make up on the spot for you:
They say carrots help with your nightvision, and it took a few bumps for me to realize it may've been a bit misleading (I read somewhere it was propaganda during WW2 to prevent the Axis from knowing the Enigma code had been cracked..). But what if they mean Visions at Night. Like, seeing your totem spirit and shit. I ate a half-bucket of carrot four or so hours before going to sleep, and then everything went all Jim Morrison on me.

It started off waking up in a run-down pool changing room. The room turned out to be part of this whole, Goonies-like warren of pools and bathing complex. There was an ancient, near Mesopotamian feel about it all. In my lonely, ceramic-gazing wanderings, I finally came across a small group of people in the biggest room yet, who claimed to've woke up in the same place and came to this biodomey room. Tropical plants grew towards a small slant of sunlight that crept through the impossibly high, vaulted ceiling. The rays were visible, and dusty. The people figured they'd been kidnapped and were on some kind of reality show, as there were named envelopes with stipulated errands inside. So the four of us split up and ran our errands, sometimes in a team, sometimes vying, and nothing seemed to make overall sense. There was treasure and diving competitions, uncovering tunnels and shipwrecks, near-drowning and near-saving, joy and scare. But each time we came back to the dome, there were more envelopes waiting. It turned out one of the people were in on the whole thing, but more as a lifeguard than as an oppressor. Somehow, the guy, though a pleasant chap on the whole, knocked me out. And I woke up outside with something licking my face. It was a weird ferret-cat. I called it Snowy (though it's real name was Clarence) and quickly discovered it was a magic ferret. It considerately caught me lizards to eat and attacked things I found threatening. Next thing I knew, I was riding a ferret ('impossible!' you cry? Remember, this was an exceptionally strong, magical ferret-cat) around the country side, like some kinda wacked out Don Quixote. We foiled all sorts of dep robberies and evil warlock dudes, and everytime we met a doubter or hot babe, I could call Snowy/Clarence, and he would hop onto my shoulder and act cute and normal. And so on, and so forth until my EPIC dream ended. So, it seems my totem spirit is a mighty ferret-cat. I don't know if I'm disappointed or not. But I'm gonna do more carrots soon to get a second opinion.


Isabel said...

Maybe it wasn't the carrots ("half bucket-full" squawk!!), maybe it was the ROASTED garlic...

Anonymous said...

wicked sounding dream T.......I have dreams bout ferrets all the frikkin time,(and by that i mean approx. once or twice a yr, which is a freaky amount if ya think bout it) its like a roxie ferret though....they're kinda ferr...rats i guess.. stead of your ferrcat... they are always well intendended ferr-rats and usually kick some serious evil ass, well either that or run around and chew stuff (the roxie influence), trippy... must run in the fam....