Wednesday, October 18, 2006


wednesday's traffic grinds against itself, at least, it does on st. laurent. people wear their wacky clothes on these humps... day-glo windbreakers; psy-trance shroom-embroidered pants; a cock-eyed lady dressed as a Dutch aristocrat wearing bunny ears carrying a sack of what could've been anything from live stray cats to, well, dead stray cats... trucks with pictures of meat products lumber up the street to stop dead-center of the road. recycling convoys back cars up several blocks. chaos reigns on wednesdays. i love wednesdays, colourful, noisy, startling.


Eve said...

I hate Wednesdays. It's the middle of the tunney, equidistant from either end. It's easy to get confused and lose focus.

But Thursdays...

Heather said...

Does our city still tolerate pictures of meat products? I thought mass, PETA-sponsored vegetarianism would have outlawed that kind of thing by now,

S'Mat said...

wednesdays are great! so far from those gruelling weekends... i agree though Eve, thursdays do rule.

heather, the reason why there's so many meat-trucks nearby is because i live in little portugal. it is a happy place. a place of meat-eaters. finding a decent salad though is like trying to find a local denizen taller than 5 foot 5.. may i recommend Romado's char-grilled chicken on Rachel (x Bullion) or the roast-beef Patatine at Patati Patata... for meat, of course.

Lin-Zed said...

Monday and Tuesday are my make the most of your life, do as much as you can, plan to save the world this week days. The week holds so much promise on Monday and Tuesday.
Wednesdays always give me anxiety because invariably I am behind in whatever it is I am meant to have done, and with only two short days left in the week I stress out that I'm not going to finish on time. Thursdays get progressively more intense and stressful until the breaking point around 7PM when I realize that it is futile for me to even attempt to meet my goals. And then I make a martini.
This is all very good because by Friday morning I have come to terms with the state of affairs and am rather calm for the weekend.