Friday, Lucy and I saw Pan's Labyrinth... a splendidly bleak faerie tale with its share of gore and wonder and fascism. Then we trundled through the powdered streets of the Old Port, craning our heads up to the heights of those magnificant buildings, and waxed over the edificial bulwarks of the past. And then went to Igloofest at one of the piers. We passed quinceys and firedrums and entered a strange openaired dancehall. Overwhelmed, we found some stairs to a catwalk and bopped until the beats eddied us away and we ignited with dance. We later found our mates (Steve and Chris and Jo, and their companions) and danced some more.
Nextday, Lucy worked her shift at Miami, and we set up a maskmaking table. Make masks we did, regretably for me at the expense of Grae's party (which would've been near impossible to've attended for ex-tenuating reasons), among the masks made were a brontosaurus, a potted plant, a polypsychadelicacy, a Greek tragedy Star Wars creature, a sequined volcano, a lick-a-stick bunny o' death, mad glasses rims and a pair of oversized lips... then we took off to go dancing at the Saphir (metal night...) and flogged our neckmuscles senseless. Getting scoffs from all the black leather-heavies... at first... we showed them what gravity was(n't) later, when we stomped like wild things through the strobe-stricken dryice smoke as mean and tough as any evil stepmother's backhand. Like it says in the post below, it was a weekend of abundance. Any in the area next Saturday, maskmaking from 6-10 at Miami Bar!!
We want pictures of the masks!
Scoffs from the black leather heavies. Perhaps that was just their way of smiling. I hear that's a forbidden light art. As for the lack of the party Grae due to previously seen circumstances... Yeah, that's all... Just a bunch of ...
I have to say, the mask making evening was an ultimate experience. The best part was wearing them out dancing afterwards. There is nothing better than a masquerade dance party. Everyone without a mask on the dance floor was jealous.
Pan's Labyrinth was great, wasn't it? I love those melancholy Spanish films.
YES! pan's labyrinth WAS great. and the mask making is totally something i could've done after seeing that film. right on!
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