- a portable music player that plays mp3s! (ok, i'm kidding, though i did once meet a man at Biftek who'd claimed to've invented snowmobiles, cellphones and $20 bills. he was pissed about not getting any of the royalties. i think he was trying to impress a drink out of me. ultimately, i was intrigued by his stalwart belief that it was true. it's quite mesmorizing to witness someone else holding witness to themself that way.)
- a fanny pack that has two belts you can attach to your ankles and drives the energy spent walking to a battery and inverter so you can recharge your phone and shit while you walk around. then you could have all sort of wicked attachments like personal fans and cooling devices for beer during the summer and heat coils for the winter. etc. etc.
- pants that you can sit down in WHILE STANDING UP! i think that's a great idea. basically, they inflate or lock girders in the seams so that you can sit as if you were in a chair, but weren't! how funny would that be if physics and society permitted it to happen!
- personal hooks to hang off a body-brace for when you go shopping. hands free consumer enjoyment. insert ready-made joke about mallrats looking like hookers here. or elsewhere. whatever...
- an umbrella that DOESN'T break. why haven't those been invented yet?
- the Levity System.. can't tell you about that one, as its got sentimental associations. and I will be instituting it one day.
- street canals, for when it rains. we could use them for transportation AND energy production (put some sluiced turbines at the end, voila, lots of power). they'd be pretty too.
- public urban orchards.
- 24 hour business days (then 2 people could live in the same room at the same time! it'd deal some with overcrowding!! this is an idea one might call STUPID. we'd have too much about human nature to reinvent.)
- a hairmelter for men, shaving is NOT fun and nor is this monstrous beard i'm sporting.
a lot of other inventions don't come ot mind right now. what are yours?
not really '...shit while you walk', but like, 'recharge your phone and stuff while you walk'
i'm tired and knocking artwork off the walls here (ruined a painting worth $150, though a drunk geriatric pitbull could've painted better if you ask me)
What are you doing writing this blog?! Go and market some of this stuff!
My invention? A bathmat with a built-in heater. It would make my morning teeth-brushing activities significantly more pleasant.
No - but these are wonderful ideas. All my "inventions" come in the forms of organizations that need to be created - I've always marveled at actual inventors.
Wow. Impressive list.
I love the walking chargers. Brilliant.
And street canals do exist - they are the precursors to sewers. They are nasty, man. They have them in China, and let me tell you, I used to have nightmares about falling in them. Lots of rats. There were some places though (like Lijiang or other picturesque cities) where their streetside canals were lovely, and where some people (dirty ones) wash their clothes.
Oh, and I thought I invented the umbrella hat, only to face huge diappointment seeing a guy wearing one when I visited Mexico.
H- a heated bathmat would be a best seller!
MI- What type of organizations? Creating cooperation must surely be the highest form of invention..
Eve- the mexicans had a 'head'start with their sombraro activities, you were right on target. those canals sound pretty ripe.. the idea behind the ones here would be that there's only water in them when it rains, at drier times they could be bike paths or a place for skaters to hurt themselves or emergency vehicle routes or something.
My dad's profile shadow inspired my idea for a novelty nose-hair trimmer that is modeled on the modern chainsaw, pull-start included.
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