3 totally unfounded theories:
1) Pedestrians that walk on the right side of the street perceive themselves to have enhanced right-of-way compared to those walking on the left side.
2) Increasing oil prices (and subsequent food prices) will cause overweight people to be perceived as sexy again (or would that be 'overweight people to be perceived as the body-type ideal'?)
3) Since the muscles controlling the tautness of the eardrums relax when presented with persistent loudness, the aural perils found at a raucous concert or such like event occur only when someone tries to speak to you, when you are most likely to willfully tense the eardrum in order to hear what they say. Peril!
How do you determine which is the right and left sides of the street?
Do you think I should sharpen up on my grammar?
I especially adore the second one. You could totally spread that one on the internet like a vicious rumour.
I vouch for a change in body type ideal. Rise, gas prices, rise! Let gluttony replace anorexia once more!
tommu! so glad to see you're back and writing. i'd lost hope there- lots to catch up on. read this article last night and it made me think of you. mostly cause of that course you took that mentioned why humans like/dislike certain sounds...
J: Ummm. There's no objective bearing other than which direction you are walking. Unless you're walking backwards, in which case worrying about poo and motorized wheelchairs probably takes precedence over which pedestrian is righteous or lefteous. And no, I don't thinks grammars should determines commentability... you must've picked it up from all the baby-prosody that people are recklessly hurling past you these days.
PP: Next thing you know, I'll have a Lava Life banner in the margin.
Deep Lu: I think all I'll ever be able to jiggle is my fat lungs... unless my growing suspicion of my brow line being a hidden fat deposit is proved correct. But here's some here!here!s for lumping our abundant statass symbols around with us once again. here!here!, here!here!!
Ami: back in black! that article ekes out far more neuro-emotive concerns than the course i took. in fact, it's far closer to what i wanted to study (then). if i remember correctly, there are some old links associated with sound-eliciting-feeling archived in this messy blog. if you type: 'Stillwell' into the blog-search at the top, you should be able to find it.
thanks for the link... VERY interesting! might explain why i'm avoiding music altogether these days.
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