Friday, February 09, 2007

Rest In Peace Roxy

We'll miss you...


Indiana James said...

Awwww, hope Bex is ok.

Heather said...

Who was the little guy?

S'Mat said...

Roxeanne was my sister's little pet rat. She passed away just before Christmas. She was a happy little creature, sociable and playful, and not once took a chomp at anybody. She ailed from a tumour until the point that it could not've been in her best interest or wellbeing to let her live. It was a somber day.

I'd commend a rat as one of the best all-time pets. Hampsters are meaner, gerbils stupider... rats are juuust right and actually bond with their owners.


Anonymous said...

aw :(

Heather said...

Poor little thing - I'm sorry.